- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)12-0088-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“新型城市化阶段长三角城市区域就业空间演化与重组研究”(编号:51078071)的延伸研究成果。
- 作者简介:王兴平(1970-),男,东南大学建筑学院城市规划系教授、博士生导师,东南大学区域与城市发展研究所所长。
- 以家庭为基本单元的耦合式城镇化:新型城镇化研究的新视角
- Family Based Coupled Urbanization: A New Perspective of New Urbanization Research
- 浏览量:
- 王兴平
- WANG Xingping
- 摘要:
新型城镇化是“以人为本”的城镇化,家庭是人类生活的最基本细胞,我国城镇化进程中带来家庭的离散化,已经成为制约城镇化质量提升的关键环节。本文在梳理相关研究基础上,基于实践调查总结界定了“家庭离散化”的基本概念和具体类型,提出了以家庭为基本单元的三维耦合式城镇化模式的设想,明确了“家庭区位论”的理论研究方向以及基于家庭视角的耦合式城镇化机制的政策研究方向和基本研究框架,分析了以家庭为单元进行城镇化研究的创新价值和意义,为推进家庭视角的新型城镇化提供借鉴和参考。 - 关键词:
新型城镇化;家庭;区位论; - Abstract: Since new urbanization is a kind of "people-oriented" urbanization and family is the basic cell of human life, the discretization of families emerging during the process of urbanization in China has become a key constraint to improve the quality of urbanization. Based on the relevant research and practical investigations, this paper defines the basic concepts and specific types of "discretization of family" and proposes the idea of the three-dimensional coupled urbanization model with family as the basic unit. It also clarifies the research fields of "family location theory" as well as theory, policy and framework of the coupled urbanization from a family perspective. Furthermore, the analysis of the innovative value and significance processed by such kind of urbanization research provides references for promoting the new urbanization in family perspective.
- Key words: new urbanization; family; location theory
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