- 老龄化社会应对再探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)12-0002-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目《社区养老模式下居住小区级公共设施功能组织策划研究》,项目编号:2014-gh-165。
- 作者简介:王桂秀(1978-),女,华北水利水电大学建筑学院,副教授,一级注册建筑师;
- 以养老为中心的社区服务综合体功能空间策划
- Function and Space Planning of Community Service Synthesis Centered on the Pension Function
- 浏览量:
- 王桂秀 卢玫珺
- WANG Guixiu LU Meijun
- 摘要:
我国已经进入老龄化社会,发展和完善我国的养老设施建设是一个必然的趋势,自符合我国国情的社区养老模式提出后,从各方面完善发展这一模式成为研究重点。本文以社区的养老功能为中心,提出以养老为中心的社区服务综合体的建筑概念,并结合现有的社区公共服务功能及使用现状对其进行具体的空间功能策划,为社区级公共建筑设计提供参考。 - 关键词:
社区养老模式;社区服务综合体;功能空间策划; - Abstract: Since China has entered the aging society, developing and perfecting our country's endowment facilities construction is an inevitable trend. It becomes a research focus perfecting the development of the community endowment model from various aspects, which is consistent with Chinese characteristics. In order to better meet the community endowment function, this article puts forward to the concept of community service synthesis, which is centered on the pension function, and plans its function and space by combining the current situation of community public service function and the existing use. It is expected to provide reference for community level public building design.
- Key words: community endowment patterns; community service synthesis; function and space planning
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