- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)12-0029-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(主任基金研究项目):新城镇化进程中城市生长点形态与模式研究(批准号:51348006);江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目(指令性)(批准号:13KJB560013);江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目。
- 作者简介:张芳,苏州科技学院讲师;
- 从地下空间利用到地下空间整合城市——巴黎中心区Les Halles两次改造与启示
- From the Ut i l izat ion of Underground Space to the Conformity of Underground Space and the City: A Case Study of the Two Renovations of Les Halles
- 浏览量:
- 张芳 周曦
- 摘要:
法国巴黎中心区——LesHalles(列· 阿莱)区域近100 多年来已经进行了四次大规模的拆除和重建,经历了从地面向地下,再从地下向地面/ 地下复合生长的过程。1970 年代的改造实现了Les Halles 作为城市中心区向地下发展,实现了与巴黎轨道交通枢纽站点的有效复合利用,但是其功能和空间与城市周边要素呈离散状态而饱受批评;2010 年代的改造在保持了历史传统的同时,成功地扩大了中心区的容量,实现了通过地下空间整合城市。此过程中的教训与经验是值得研究与学习的。 - 关键词:
LesHalles;列·阿莱;;中心区;地下空间;改造;整合; - Abstract: Compared to the main urban area of Paris, which has rarely changed since 19th century, Les Halles of Paris has carried out four large-scale demolitions and reconstruction in recent 100 years. The growth mode of Les Halles has undergone a complete transformation from the ground-mode to the underground-mode, then to ground-underground compound mode. In the renovation project in the 1970s, Les Halles achieved not only the utilization of underground space, but also the effective links with the underground rail transportation system as Châtelet - Les Halles is the central station of RER and metro of Paris. However, it failed to form the effective links between its function and open spaces with urban elements on the periphery. In the 2010s, the renovation project of Les Halles redeveloped its underground space, upgraded the capacity based upon the condition of the traditional context of the area and Paris. It is not only a modernization of urban central area, but also conformity of the urban part to the city. In this process, Les Halles offers us valuable experiences and lessons.
- Key words: Les Halles; core; underground space; renovation; conformity
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