- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)02-0100-04
- 中图分类号:TU992 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:叶晓东,男,宁波市规划设计研究院市政工程所副所长,高级工程师。
- 基于污染控制的宁波市雨水系统规划研究
- Planning of Urban Rainwater Drainage System for Pollution Control in Ningbo City
- 浏览量:
- 叶晓东
- YE Xiaodong
- 摘要:
快速城市化带来的城市雨水系统污染日趋严重,系统的应用性研究缺失是制约污染控制措施实施的重要因素。本文以宁波为例,调研分析了雨水系统的污染状况,提出推广普及屋顶绿化、低势绿地、植被浅沟、闸门井和小型调蓄池等控制措施,并编制了不同类型的雨水系统设计优化方案;指出应在控规编制时将控制措施建设要求纳入法定文件,并建议从法规、管理、资金等方面保障雨水系统污染的控制。 - 关键词:
污染控制;雨水;规划;宁波; - Abstract: The pollution of urban rainwater drainage system caused by rapid urbanization is becoming more and more serious. The absence of systematic application research is the key factor, which restricts the enforcement of pollution control. Taking Ningbo as an example, this study investigated and analyzed the current situation of rainwater pollution, proposed to promote the control measures such as roof greening, low elevation greenbelt, gate shaft, detention tank and so on, composed the prioritization scheme of different rainwater drainage systems, indicated that the requirements of control measures should be brought into statutory instruments, and suggested to ensure the pollution control of rainwater drainage system from the aspects of legislation, management, capital.
- Key words: pollution control; rainwater; planning; Ningbo
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