- 城市品质提升研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)02-0015-05
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:房立洲(1971-)男,汉族,江苏高邮人,杭州市数字城管信息处置中心办公室主任,高级政工师,主要研究方向为行政伦理、城市管理、公民精神等。
- 试论生活品质之城建设的城管逻辑和行动框架——以杭州为例
- On the City Management Logic and Action Framework of the City Life Quality Construction: A Case Study of Hangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 房立洲
- FANG Lizhou
- 摘要:
随着城市经济的快速发展,“生活品质之城”建设成为共同愿景。作为与市民生活息息相关的城市管理,在提高城市生活品质的实践中发挥着越来越显著的作用。在“改革创新”成为主流话语的时代背景下,坚定不移走城管创新之路,当是打造生活品质之城、建设幸福宜居城市的不二法门。 - 关键词:
生活品质;城市管理;内在逻辑;行动框架; - Abstract: With the rapid development of city economy, construction quality of life in the city has become a common vision. City management, an industry sector closely related to the public life, has played a more and more important role in improving the quality of city life. Against the background of "reform and innovation" the road of innovation in city management and the construction of a city with life quality are the only choice.
- Key words: life quality; city management; the internal logic; framework for action
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