- 城市品质提升研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)02-0009-06
- 中图分类号:F299 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:2012年浙江大学-慈溪市社会管理研究院社会管理与建设招标课题《慈溪市提升城市品质的对策研究》(12ZC06YB)。
- 作者简介:贺建军,中国计量学院人文学院副教授,博士,研究方向为城市管理与城市发展研究;
- 我国县域城市品质评价指标体系构建与实际测度——以浙江省慈溪市为例
- The Construction and Measure of the Evaluation System of Urban Quality in China County-Level Cities: A Case Study of Cixi City, Zhejiang Province
- 浏览量:
- 贺建军 张维维
- HE Jianjun ZHANG Weiwei
- 摘要:
基于对城市品质概念的理解,结合国内外学者对城市品质评价指标体系的研究成果,遴选50个评价指标构成我国县域城市品质理论评价指标体系。运用隶属度分析、相关分析等科学方法对理论遴选的指标进行实证筛选,并用Alpha 信度系数法和因子分析对评价指标体系进行信度和效度检验,构建了由经济发展、环境生态、道路交通、城市文化、市民生活、社会和谐共6个维度30 个指标组成的我国县域城市品质评价指标体系。在此基础上,运用浙江省慈溪市的统计数据对我国县域城市品质评价指标体系进行实际测度。结果表明,本文构建的我国县域城市品质评价指标体系具有较强的科学性、有效性和应用价值。 - 关键词:
城市品质;理论遴选;实证筛选;慈溪市; - Abstract: Based on our understanding of the concept of urban quality and the research on the evaluation system of urban quality in county-level cities by all scholars, 50 parameters constitute the evaluation system of county-level urban quality of China. Through the analysis of membership degree and correlation the parameters are selected. Through Alpha reliability coefficient method and Factor analysis reliability and validity of the parameters are tested. At last, 30 parameters composed of economy, ecological environment, road traffic, city culture, civic life and social harmony are taken into consideration. Based on its research, the evaluation system of urban quality is measured by the statistical data from Cixi city, Zhejiang. The research results show that the evaluation system of urban quality in China county-level city have scientific value, validity, and application value.
- Key words: urban quality; theoretical selection; demonstration filtration; Cixi city
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