- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)02-0080-05
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李广娣,北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,硕士研究生;
- 城市住房价格的空间分布格局研究——以沈阳市为例
- Research on Spatial Distribution Pattern of Urban Housing Prices: A Case Study in Shenyang
- 浏览量:
- 李广娣 沈昊婧
- LI Guangdi SHEN Haojing
- 摘要:
区位差异深刻影响城市住房价格。本文采用空间自相关和半方差分析方法研究沈阳市住房价格的空间分异规律和格局特征,利用Kriging 插值法在空间上模拟沈阳市房价,生成房价等值线图和表面图,以直观分析沈阳市住房价格的空间分布格局。研究结果表明:沈阳市房价总体上具有显著的空间正自相关性,局部地区存在异质性;不同方向上住房价格的空间自相关尺度不同,表现出各向异性的结构特征,房价受结构性因素的影响要大于随机性因素。 - 关键词:
空间自相关;半方差分析;Kriging插值法;住房价格;空间格局; - Abstract: Urban housing price depends on spatial location, which is different from city to city. Spatial autocorrelation, semi-variance analysis and Kriging interpolation methods were used to study the spatial differentiation pattern, structure characteristic of housing price and the spatial distribution of property price in Shenyang city. Moreover, the housing price contour map and surface map were generated to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of housing price in Shenyang. The results showed that housing price in Shenyang exhibited significant positive spatial autocorrelation generally, and also had spatial heterogeneity. There was a directional variation structure characteristic because of housing price spatial autocorrelation scale differed from different direction, and the housing price was affected by structural factors more than random factors.
- Key words: spatial autocorrelation; semi-variance analysis; Kriging interpolation method; housing price; spatial pattern
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