- 资源型城市的可持续发展探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)03-0021-07
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:大连理工大学人文社科科研专题项目,项目名称:基于生态补偿视角下的大连填海用地规划适宜性研究(DUT11RW401)。
- 作者简介:陈飞(1979-),女,大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院城市规划系,讲师;
- 日本重化工型临海工业建设经验及启示
- The Experience and Enlightenment of Heavy Chemical Waterfront Industrial Zone in Japan
- 浏览量:
- 陈飞 陆伟 蔡军
- CHEN Fei LU Wei CAI Jun
- 摘要:
日本战后以国土开发为契机建立了大量重化工型临海工业区,以发展钢铁、石油、化学产业为主。当前,我国滨海地区陆续开展以钢铁及高能耗产业为主的临海工业区建设,日本重化工型临海工业区建设与我国具有一定的相似性。本文介绍日本重化工型临海工业发展情况,总结其在港口建设、用地布局、产业集群建设方面的经验,以及由过度开发引发的环境破坏教训;并在此基础上,从规划衔接、港口工业一体化建设、填海形制探索等方面,探讨了对我国临海工业建设方面的启示。 - 关键词:
临海工业区;重化工业;建设用海; - Abstract: Japan built up a lot of waterfront industrial zones that focus on heavy chemical against the background of the comprehensive national development planning. At present China’s coastal cities construct the heavy chemical waterfront industrial zone in order to develop steel and high energy consumption industry under the guidance of industrial policy. Japan’s heavy chemical waterfront industrial zones have some similarities with China's current situation. The author introduced the development of Japanese waterfront heavy industry, and summarized the experience in port construction, land use layout, industrial organization, and environmental damage lessons caused by over exploitation. Finally, the paper discusseed enlightenments about the construction of waterfront industrial zone in China from the aspects of planning convergence, port-industry integration, and reclamation exploration.
- Key words: waterfront industrial zone; heavy chemical industry; marine used for construction
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