- 资源型城市的可持续发展探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)03-0010-07
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:十二五国家科技支撑计划课题“工矿区受损农田修复和精细化整理技术集成与示范”(编号:2011BAD04B03)。
- 作者简介:王海,中国地质大学(北京)北京土地科学技术学院硕士生,主要研究方向为土地利用规划和土地评价;
- 门头沟产业转型背景下采煤塌陷土地开发利用模式和战略
- Strategies and Reutilization Modes of Damaged Land for Mining in the Context of Industry Transformational Development of Mentougou
- 浏览量:
- 王海 赵华甫 吴克宁
- WANG Hai ZHAO Huafu WU Kening
- 摘要:
矿业城市在中国的经济发展中占据重要的地位,然而矿产资源日益枯竭成为制约矿业城市经济社会发展最严重的挑战。修复和开发利用废弃土地,引导产业结构转型优化升级,是矿业城市实现持续发展的必然趋向。文章采用文献研究和实证分析方法,在系统研究国内外典型矿业城市产业经济发展历史、转型趋向、废弃矿业用地的再利用模式及相关政策工具的基础上,以门头沟为例,基于门头沟新城发展的土地紧约束现状和开发潜力,提出基于产业转型发展背景的城市采煤塌陷地修复和再利用的战略和模式。 - 关键词:
土地利用;土地稀缺;产业转型;采矿塌陷地;土地开发利用战略; - Abstract: China’s thirty years’ Reform and Opening up Policy now leads to great economic achievement and a high level of urbanization development that have attracted attention of whole world. Unfortunately, the extensive mode of exploitation of land and mineral resources causes a large quantity of land destruction, including land damage, collapse, construction occupying and other problems. Especially in the mining cities, the Increasing resources depletion has become the most serious obstacle and great challenge for the economic and social development. Therefore, how to rehabilitate, exploit and utilize the damage or wasted land after mining activity and how to realize industrial transform for mining cities sustainable development, are currently major task and inevitable trend to achieve sustainable development. With the application of the literature research method and the study of the economic development history and its transformational trend, wasted mining land reutilization modes and relevant policy tools of classic mining cities at home and abroad were studied systematically. Meanwhile, the paper took urban area of Mentougou, Beijing, as an example, and analyzed the feature of severely limited land resources caused by the mining activity, scarceness of natural land resource for building during the context of economic transformational development. And then the paper proposed various strategies and modes for industrial transformation development of mining cities by means of restoring and reutilizing the coal mining collapse land.
- Key words: land use; scarceness of land; industry transformational development; damaged land for mining; land strategies
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