- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)03-0082-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:吕席金,苏州科技学院建筑与城市规划学院城市规划与设计硕士研究生;
- 转型期苏南中小城市产业发展趋势及空间组织应对研究——以张家港市为例
- Study on Industrial Development and Spatial Organization of Small and Medium-sized Cities in Southern Jiangsu at a Context of Socioeconomic Transformation:A Case Study of Zhangjiagang City
- 浏览量:
- 吕席金 朱建达
- LYU Xijin ZHU Jianda
- 摘要:
2008 年金融危机将苏南中小城市推进转型发展的攻坚期。本文以张家港市为考查重点,从历史维度对1962 年设县以来张家港市“产业发展—城市空间组织”之间的相互关系给予了较为系统的梳理和诠释;并基于“以史为鉴、明晰未来”的思考,预测了转型期张家港市未来产业发展趋势及空间组织应对特征。最后,从产业转型升级可行性视角,探讨了“传承传统优势产业”的产业转型升级道路,应当成为苏南中小城市的重要选择。 - 关键词:
转型期;产业发展;空间组织;张家港市; - Abstract: The financial crisis in 2008 pushed the small and medium-sized cities transformation and development of Southern Jiangsu in the crucial period. The essay analyzed the relationship between "industrial development - urban space organization" from the historical perpective. The trends of industrial development and the characteristics of spatial organization in the future are anticipated. Finally, from the perspective of feasibility, a path of industrial transformation and upgrading through "inherit the traditional advantage industry" is obtained and should be adopted to the small and medium-sized cities in Southern Jiangsu.
- Key words: transformation; industrial development; spatial organization; Zhangjiagang city
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