- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)03-0074-08
- 中图分类号:F120.4 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金(2013SJB790055);盐城师范学院自然科学研究项目(13YCKL019)。
- 作者简介:马随随(1986-),男,盐城师范学院城市与资源环境学院教师,硕士,主要从事城市化与城乡规划等方面研究;
- 主体功能区视域下县域产业结构优化路径选择——以江苏新沂为例
- Optimized Path of County Industrial Structure based on Major Function Zone——The Case of Xinyi
- 浏览量:
- 马随随 陈洪全 彭俊
- MA Suisui CHEN Hongquan PENG Jun
- 摘要:
产业结构是区域经济发展的核心结构,其时空演进及优化升级是提升区域综合实力的重要保证。县域作为我国主体功能区划分和规划落实的基本空间单元,主体功能区战略所倡导的适度开发、有序发展的理念为其产业结构调整提供了良好契机。借助GIS 空间分析技术,综合考虑生态、社会、经济等因素完成县域内部空间产业发展适宜性分区,为县域产业结构优化调整提供更精确的空间框架,是推进县域经济有序发展的必然选择。基于该思路,选取新沂地区为案例,对县域空间进行了“四层五区”的空间适宜性分区,并以其为空间支撑,结合县域重点开发区的主体功能定位及其产业结构现状,分别讨论了中心片区、西北片区、西南片区、东北片区及东南片区的产业结构优化路径。 - 关键词:
主体功能区;县域;产业结构;优化;新沂; - Abstract: Industrial structure, evolution and upgrading of which plays a unique role in enhancing regional comprehensive strength, is the core structure of regional economic development. And major function zone, an important strategy aiming at changing the unreasonable tendency of focusing on economic interests only and being carried out by county as the basic unit at the state level, has provided a good opportunity for the adjustment of industrial structure. With the support of GIS platform, spatial development suitability assessments that take into account the natural, ecological, economic and social elements’ comprehensive analysis is done to provide framework for the optimization of regional industrial structure. With Xinyi county as an example, empirical analysis is performed. Through classifying the county’s inner space into four layers and five areas, the optimization path of regional industrial structure is discussed.
- Key words: major function zone; county; industrial structure; optimization; Xinyi
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