- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)03-0045-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金“城市低收入群体日常生活空间失配问题及其规划响应研究”(编号:20120142120013)资助。
- 作者简介:罗吉,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士,讲师;
- 规划协调视角下的城中村改造规划优化研究——来自武汉市38个村湾改造规划的实证经验
- A Study of Urban Village Renewal Planning Based on Planning Coordination—— An Empirical Study of the 38 Urban Village Renewal Planning in Wuhan
- 浏览量:
- 罗吉 彭阳 陶德凯 何浩 哈思杰
- LUO Ji PENG Yang TAO Dekai HE Hao HA Sijie
- 摘要:
一直以来,我国城中村改造都需要支付高额的拆迁改建成本,解决途径之一便是通过规划加强对土地深度利用获取额外收益,以此来平衡改造的经济需求,但由于城中村可利用面积有限,提高土地收益意味着更高的土地利用强度或是更能迎合市场的用地开发结构,因而在很多情况下改造规划会与既定的城市规划控制体系之间产生摩擦。针对以上情况,本文以武汉市已完成的38 个村湾改造规划为例,从实证分析评价入手,总结归纳了当前城中村改造规划与上位规划、相关规划之间存在的主要问题与矛盾;并在此基础上,提出内部改良和外部协调并举的规划协调思路,具体通过优化当前城中村改造中的规划技术、方法和定位,减少编制改造规划的社会成本。 - 关键词:
城中村;城中村改造;规划协调; - Abstract: For a long time, China urban village renewal demands the high cost of renovation, therefore, the planning provides more benefit for the land re-use with the increase of its volume ratio in order to ease the economic pressure of the renewal work. This paper took the completed 38 urban village planning in Wuhan as examples, starting from the empirical analysis and evaluation, summarized the main problems and contradictions between the urban renewal planning and other planning. Based upon this, we proposed improving internal and external coordination ideas, specifically by optimizing the current transformation of villages planning techniques, methods and positioning to reduce the social costs of the preparation of urban village renewal planning.
- Key words: urban village; urban village renewal; planning coordination
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