- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)04-0056-06
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:潘磊(1988-),男,江苏省泰兴人,南京大学硕士研究生,研究方向为小城镇发展以及住房政策研究;
- “小产权房”的产生原因、影响以及解决方法探讨——基于保障性住房体系的视角
- The Study of the Origin, Influence and Solution of “Houses with Limited Property Rights” — the Empirical Study of the Indemnificatory Housing System
- 浏览量:
- 潘磊 葛幼松
- PAN Lei GE Yousong
- 摘要:
分析研究“小产权房”产生的原因及背景,从出房群体、购房群体、房地产市场以及国家战略的角度分析“小产权房”带来的影响,研究目前小产权房问题解决过程中存在的问题,并着重从保障性住房的视角寻找解决问题的方法。研究“小产权房”与保障性住房之间的联系,着重于房屋产权、土地性质、开发主体、受益群体、房价、区位、购房群体、出让类型以及其法律性9 个层面,分析“小产权房”是否有融入保障性住房体系的可能性和可操作性。从而,从保障性住房体系的视角,解决“小产权房”所带来的负面影响。 - 关键词:
小产权房;原因与影响;保障性住房体系;转化设计; - Abstract: The paper studies the background and reasons of houses with limited property rights based on the angel of selling groups, purchasing groups, the real estate market and the national strategy in order to reveal the influence. It analyzes the problems in the process of finding ways to solve the limited property house issues, focusing on the direction of transferring to indemnificatory housing. The paper studies the connections between limited property rights houses and indemnificatory house from nine perspectives which include housing property, land characteristic, main developing force, beneficiary groups, sailing price, position, purchasing groups, transfer type and legality. If this method is effective, the problems of houses with limited property rights can be solved to some extent.
- Key words: houses with limited property rights; reason and influence; indemnificatory housing system; conversion design
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