- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)05-0098-06
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李万立,男,黄河口旅游文化研究所,东营职业学院教师,硕士,研究方向:旅游经济与旅游文化。
- 历史文化名城收费分析及改进路径探讨——以凤凰古城为例
- The Improvement Research and Analysis of Historic City Charge ——A Case Study on Feng Huang Old Town
- 浏览量:
- 李万立
- LI Wanli
- 摘要:
历史文化名城由于其共有资源属性往往被免费过度使用导致“公地悲剧”的发生,而凤凰古城版“圈地运动”说明科斯定理在解决历史文化名城“公地悲剧”时并非完全适用,同时也说明在当前历史文化名城发展中政府职能转变滞后、角色定位不清、缺乏有效的城市发展监管机制、缺乏及时的问题应对机制等问题,本文从经济学角度对以上问题进行分析,并对当前历史文化名城发展中政府政策的改进路径做初步探讨。 - 关键词:
历史文化名城;凤凰古城;收费;改进; - Abstract: The dispute regarding Feng Huang old town shows that Coase theorem is not the effective way to solve the problem of Tragedy of the Commonswhen the historic city has been excessively used.The paper analyzes the mistakes on economic theory and discusses the effective measures to maximize the total utilities in the process of historic city development.
- Key words: historic city; Feng Huang old town; charge; improvement
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