- 空间分异及其动力机制
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)05-0027-05
- 中图分类号:F061.5 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李美婷,佛山市顺德区发展规划和统计局。
- 东莞星级酒店空间布局及形成机制研究
- The Spatial Distribution and Dynamic Mechanism Research of Dongguan Star Hotels
- 浏览量:
- 李美婷
- LI Meiting
- 摘要:
文章通过东莞星级酒店的时空变化,分析东莞星级酒店的空间布局特征和规律,并运用主成分分析法,探讨东莞星级酒店发展布局的影响因素及动力机制。结果表明东莞的星级酒店主要沿城市主干道路S256 省道以及广深铁路方向共同组成东莞星级酒店带,星级酒店布局主要受到外向型经济、商务休闲旅游、地理区位以及政府推动等宏观因素影响。 - 关键词:
东莞;星级酒店;空间布局;动力机制; - Abstract: This paper studies the characteristics and laws of Dongguan star hotels’ spatial distribution, by analysing the temporal and spatial variation. The article studiesthe main factors and dynamic mechanism of Dongguan star hotels with the principal component analysis method.The results suggest that the Dongguan star hotels locate along the main road of the city S256 and Guangshen railway. The distribution of Dongguan star hotels are affected by the macroscopic factors, such as export-oriented economy, business and leisure travel, geographical location, government promotion and so on.
- Key words: Dongguan;star hotels;spatial distribution;dynamic mechanism
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