- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)05-0043-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:王曦,男,东南大学交通学院在职博士生,现工作于无锡市公共工程建设中心,高
- 城市地下空间的规划分类标准研究
- Research on the Criterion of Planning Classification for Urban Underground Space
- 浏览量:
- 王曦 刘松玉
- WANG Xi LIU Songyu
- 摘要:
城市地下空间分类标准的研究是城市地下空间系统规划编制、研究和管理的重要技术基础,随着我国对城市地下空间规划建设的日益重视,分类标准缺失的现状已严重影响到城市地下空间的健康发展,分类标准的研究和编制日渐迫切和必要。本文在分析我国现状城市地下空间分类实践和研究的基础上,从城市地下空间的本质出发,探讨了城市地下空间规划体系对分类标准的要求,提出了城市地下空间的分类原则与方法,建立了7 大类、25 小类的城市地下空间二级分类体系,并制定了相应的类别代号,对城市地下空间标准体系的建立和完善进行了初步的探索。 - 关键词:
地下空间;城市地下空间;规划分类标准; - Abstract: The research on the criterion of planning classification is the important technical foundation of weaving, researching and administering for urban underground space planning. With more attention paid to the planning and construction of urban underground space, the absence of classification criterion is affecting the healthy development of urban underground space, and the research and weaving of classification criterion is more and more necessary. With the analysis of the actual practice and research of urban underground space, this paper investigates the inbeing of urban underground space at first, probes into the demand of urban underground space planning system to the classification criterion, brings forward the classification principles and means of the urban underground space, establishes the two-level urban underground space classification system with seven chief categories and 25 mini-categories, and constitutes the codes for these categories. All these work is the primary groping for the instauration and consummating of the urban underground space criterion system.
- Key words: underground space; urban underground space; criterion of planning classification
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