- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)05-0104-05
- 中图分类号:U491 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:南京市科技发展计划项目(201002047)。
- 作者简介:殷凤军(1982-),男,东南大学交通学院博士研究生,南京南部新城开发建设指挥部,主要研究方向:城市交通规划与管理,低碳新城交通规划推进机制;
- “慢城”型低碳新城交通发展策略探讨
- Discussion on Transportation Development Strategies in Low-Carbon New Town with “Slow City”
- 浏览量:
- 殷凤军 过秀成 孙华灿 叶茂
- YIN Fengjun GUO Xiucheng SUN Huacan YE Mao
- 摘要:
针对当前国内低碳新城发展的热潮,提出“以快为先”的交通发展导向已经不能适应低碳新城发展需求,借鉴国际慢城运动传递出的“慢发展”理念,提出了契合我国低碳新城发展“慢交通”的几点策略。首先介绍了国际慢城的起源与发展状况,分析了慢城运动的内涵以及对我国新时期城镇化进程中新城发展的借鉴和启示;其次,在剖析慢哲学的基础上,提出了以“慢”为主题的交通发展模式,详细阐述了该发展模式必须坚持的“S-L-O-W”原则;从土地利用、道路网络、公共交通、停车设施和政策调控五个方面探讨了推进低碳新城慢交通发展的关键问题,最后分析了“慢交通”发展的形势和研究方向。 - 关键词:
低碳新城;慢城;慢行交通;绿色交通; - Abstract: Aiming at the vigorous development of current domestic low-carbon city, the view of traffic development oriented to “fast for the first” has been unable to meet the needs of the development of lowcarbon city. Regarding the principle of “slow development ” conveyed by international Cittaslow, we put forward some strategies that fit low-carbon city that develops “slow traffic” in China. Firstly, we introduce the origin and the development of international Cittaslow, and then analyze content of Cittaslow and practical significance to the town development of our country in new period. Second, this mode must adhere to an “S-L-O-W” principle which we proposed on the basis of analyzing slow philosophy; we also discuss the key problems to promote the development of low-carbon city from five aspects of land use, road network, public traffic, parking facilities and policy regulation. We finally analyze new developments and research on slow city.
- Key words: Low-Carbon new town; Slow City; slow transportation; green transportation
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