- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)06-0089-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家科技支撑计划课题(2013BAJ13B00)。
- 作者简介:周宇,女,北京人,美国Vassar College地理系教授;
- 打造中国绿色建筑推广的合力
- Creating “Crowd-Sourcing” for China’s Green Building Promotion Program
- 浏览量:
- 周宇 蔡一帆
- ZHOU Yu CAI Yifan
- 摘要:
本文基于对5 个城市的政府官员、学者、建筑师、房地产开发商和物业经理等不同对象的访谈,以及13 个省/ 直辖市的121 位资深建筑师的调查,结合定性和定量方法探讨了中国绿色建筑的现状。本文集中分析了影响技术选择的原因,指出有效的绿建推广机制必须建立在公众教育的基础上,形成针对开发商的地方化弹性激励,强化建筑业专业人士中绿建知识网络的培育,并完善覆盖建筑生命周期的多样化服务。 - 关键词:
绿色建筑;技术选择;公众参与; - Abstract: The research draws on interviews conducted with governmental officials, researchers, architects, developers, property managers and real estate marketing executives in Beijing, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chengdu in the winter of 2013, and a survey of 121 senior architects in architectural designing institutes in 13 Chinese cities and provinces. We analyze the factors that contributed to the technology selections in China’s nascent China’s green building program. We argue that an effective green building program should move beyond top-down state decrees to prioritize the “crowd-sourcing” approach, characterized by greater public education, local and flexible incentives for developers, mandatory training for architects and building professionals, and encouragement of varieties of services over the life-times of buildings.
- Key words: green building; technology selections; public participation
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