- 城市更新过程中的历史文化保护方法探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)06-0022-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究项目:城市社会的新底层阶级研究(10YJA840050)。
- 作者简介:尹海洁,女,哈尔滨工业大学人文与社会科学学院社会学系系主任,教授,博士生导师;
- 城市历史街区改造中的“ 文化之殇”——以哈尔滨市道外历史街区为例
- Culture Dying in Urban Historical Block Modification Works: A Case Study of Historical Block of Daowai in Harbin
- 浏览量:
- 尹海洁 王雪洋
- YIN Haijie WANG Xueyang
- 摘要:
本研究作为一项社会学质性研究,综合运用文献法和人类学研究方法,以哈尔滨市道外区以靖宇街为中心的历史街区为研究对象,经过对老道外的历史和文化进行梳理并前往街区实地走访观察,发现正在进行中的道外历史街区改造工程实质是一场以破坏历史建筑、迁走原住居民为代价的商业开发;在此基础上对街区改造中的各方展开深入访谈,探寻这场利益纠葛中文化之殇的原委,并推而广之,挖掘我国城市发展中历史街区改造工程走入误区的根源,最后提出如何在历史街区改造中明确政府角色,处理好安居工程与历史街区改造的矛盾关系,并在文化保护与旅游开发之间找到平衡点的对策建议。 - 关键词:
历史街区;文化保护;道外;旅游开发;政府角色; - Abstract: In recent years,historical block modification works are being carried out in more and more cities,but have mostly turned into commercial exploitation.Culture preservation has been ignored and severely challenged. The paper takes DaoWai Historical Block in Harbin as study object,focusing on the historical block modification works in progress.By taking interviews with district government,tourism developers, residents and local merchants along JingYu Street,it tries to figure out why this modification works in the name of“culture preservation”.It argues that to preserve the culture in historical blocks, government is supposed to put“fairness” before “efficiency”, and find a balance between culture conservation and tourism development.
- Key words: historical block;culture preservation;Daowai district;tourism exploitation;government’s role
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