- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)06-0074-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51378100)。
- 作者简介:仲早立,东南大学建筑研究所,博士研究生;
- 单一形态住区规划指标分析
- Study on the Planning Index of Single Formed Community
- 浏览量:
- 仲早立 金俊 白鹭飞
- ZHONG Zaoli JIN Jun BAI Lufei
- 摘要:
从住区规划指标体系的再思考入手,通过近300 个研究样本的指标分析,对单一形态住区基本指标的取值区间进行了重新界定。针对高层与多层住区,分析容积率、建筑密度、用地规模等指标之间相关联的紧密程度,以此来探索单一形态住区规划指标的影响因素,并对需要进一步开展的研究做了相应阐述。 - 关键词:
单一形态住区;规划指标;容积率;建筑密度; - Abstract: After reconsidering the current planning index of community, the article tries to study on the basic planning index interval of single formed community based on the index analysis of approximately 300 samples. The article also analyses the relationship between different indexes including plot ratio, building density and land scale in order to explore the factors on the planning index of single formed community, and make a corresponding elaboration of further research.
- Key words: single formed community; planning index; plot ratio; building density
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