- 城市更新过程中的历史文化保护方法探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)06-0037-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家文物局重点课题“不可移动文物保护领域的科技问题研究”(20090206)。
- 作者简介:韦峰(1974—),男,硕士,郑州大学建筑学院副教授,硕士生导师;
- 基于特色文化保护与传承的历史文化名镇更新设计——以开封朱仙镇为例
- Resea r ch on Conser v a t ion and Regener a t ion of Historical Town Based on the Protection of the Cultural Characteristics:A Case Study of Urban Design for Zhuxian Town,Kanifen
- 浏览量:
- 韦峰 徐维波
- WEI Feng XU Weibo
- 摘要:
在城镇化进程加快及城乡统筹发展的背景下,如何在保护历史文化名镇的前提下延续特色文化、提升区域活力、创造与时代背景相融合的新文化,仍是当前历史文化名镇保护与更新需要深入研究的课题。朱仙镇历史文化名镇保护与更新规划基于特色文化保护与传承理念,从物质空间构成要素和非物质文化遗产构成要素两个层面进行分析,根据其特征与分布,提出不同的保护与更新模式,通过产业功能调整、文化资源培育以及重点地段的详细设计,力求实现特色文化产业的保护与可持续发展。 - 关键词:
特色文化;保护;更新设计;朱仙镇; - Abstract: Against the background of the fast urbanization and balanced urban-rural development, the paper focused on how to achieve inheritance of the cultural characteristics,promotion of regional vitality,and creation of new culture agaisnt the background of the Zhuxian town. Conservation and regeneration of the Zhuxian town design is based on protection and inheritance of the cultural characteristics.The research put forward a variety of patterns of conservation and regeneration.The design achieved the conversation and the sustainable development of cultural industry by adjusting industry function,cultivating culture resource and designing important sections in detail.
- Key words: cultural characteristics; conservation; regeneration; Zhuxian town
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