- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)07-0039-04
- 中图分类号:TU981 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:余猛(1982-),男,博士,中国城市规划设计研究院,城市规划师。
- 正式与非正式:城乡规划与政府行为——区划调整背景下的重庆市綦江区城乡总体规划
- Formal and Informal: Urban Planning and Governmental Behavior——The Master Planning of Qijiang District in Chongqing for the Administrative Adjustment
- 浏览量:
- 余猛
- YU Meng
- 摘要:
以社会学的视角,从政府指令和社会行为的相互关系入手研究城乡规划的新方法。认为城乡空间具有自组织特征,政府行为应该为社会的非正式活动提供空间,城乡规划应注重刚性和弹性的协调,并强化过程式规划机制协调多元利益主体需求。 - 关键词:
有计划的命令;非正式活动;自组织;刚性;弹性; - Abstract: This article tries to find the new conception of urban planning with the analysis of the relationship between the governmental instructions and social activities. For the urban and rural space there are characteristics of self-organization, the governmental behavior should be decided for the convenience of the informal social activities. Meanwhile, the urban planning should pay more attention to the coordination of rigid and flexible elements. The mechanism of procedural planning should also be focused on to satisfy the diverse stakeholders.
- Key words: planned instruction; informal activity; self-organization; rigid; flexible
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