- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)08-0074-05
- 中图分类号:X21 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划“山地村庄集约化规划与建设关键技术与示范”(编号:2013BAJ11B01)。
- 作者简介:赵在绪,男,重庆大学建筑城规学院博士研究生;
- 基于GIS-AHP方法的山地城镇生态格局安全评价研究——以重庆北部新区为例
- Research on Mountainous Towns’ Ecological Pattern Safety Assessment Based on GIS-AHP Method:A Case Study of Chongqing New North Zone (CNNZ)
- 浏览量:
- 赵在绪 周铁军 陈舒一郎 毛有粮
- ZHAO Zaixu ZHOU Tiejun CHEN Shuyilang MAO Youliang
- 摘要:
我国山地城镇分布广泛,自然地理条件复杂多变,是生态环境灾害多发区。生态格局安全评价对于山地城镇生态建设和防灾减灾意义重大。基于此,本文回顾并总结了国内外生态安全评价研究现状和建设进展,并针对山地特殊的条件,利用GIS 与AHP 相结合的技术方法对重庆市北部新区进行生态格局安全评价研究,得出四级结果及其比例,并以图示形式量化表达,在此基础上提出了适应性的规划调整策略,期待其对山地城镇生态建设研究起到抛砖引玉之效果。 - 关键词:
GIS;AHP;山地城镇;生态格局;安全评价; - Abstract: Mountainous towns are widely distributed in China with complex natural conditions. Also, ecological disruption and environmental disasters in these towns are ubiquitous. Naturally, ecological pattern safety assessment is of great significance for ecological construction and disaster prevention in mountainous towns. Based on this, the article reviews present status and progress of research on ecological safety assessment at home and abroad. By using GIS and AHP method, the article would assess ecological pattern safety of Chongqing New North Zone (CNNZ) in the light of special conditions of mountainous towns. At the same time, some adaptive adjustment methods would be raised to improve ecological construction and planning research of mountainous towns.
- Key words: GIS;AHP;mountainous towns;ecological pattern;safety assessment
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