- 城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)08-0094-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:陈昭,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生;
- “城乡一元”猜想与乡村规划新思路:2个案例
- The Unified Urban-Rural System Hypothesis and New Ideas of Rural Planning: Two Cases
- 浏览量:
- 陈昭 王红扬
- CHEN Zhao WANG Hongyang
- 摘要:
现有城市化理论中,城市空间的重要性以及城市化本身的合理性已经被充分认识和接受。然而,由于传统“城乡二元”理论的影响,乡村空间在一定程度上成为被忽视的空间,不仅乡村规划未能得到足够关注,其基础性问题如乡村的发展路径和未来图景等也尚待阐明。随着“新型城镇化”政策的出台以及城市规划向城乡规划转型的深化,乡村空间的价值将进一步凸显,重新审视乡村空间和乡村规划具有重要意义。本文在梳理“城乡二元”理论基础上,试图以“城乡一元”猜想阐释当下城乡关系发展和未来乡村的可能图景,用“城乡一元”的观点重新理解“城乡二元”。进一步提出从城乡关系的本质出发,应该将乡村空间纳入到城乡发展的大系统中,构建“一体化”的城乡空间系统。最后引介2 个案例,对城乡空间系统的视角下乡村空间的未来图景以及相应的乡村规划方法进行了猜想和演绎。 - 关键词:
城乡关系;乡村规划;城市化;“城乡二元”理论;“城乡一元”猜想; - Abstract: In the traditional urbanization theory, the importance of urban space and rationality of "urbanization" have been fully recognized of the neglected space. However, due to the traditional "urbanrural dualism" paradigm, the rural space and rural planning have not got enough attention, and the fundamental theoretical issues such as the path and vision of rural space remain to be elucidated. In the light of "new urbanization policy" and the transformation of urban planning to urban and rural planning, the value of rural space will further highlights, and re-examining the rural space and rural planning is of great significance. This article attempts to explain the future development of the rural area by introducing "the unified urban-rural system hypothesis", which replaces the traditional "urban-rural dualism". The article proposes that based on the nature of urban-rural relationship, rural areas should be included in the integrated urban-rural space system. Further, in the perspective of the integrated system, the article provides reasonable conjecture and interpretation of the rural planning methodology, rural development theory, and the vision of rural area through two case studies.
- Key words: urban-rural relationship; rural planning; urbanization; urban-rural dualism; urban-rural system hypothesis
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