- 新型城镇化背景下土地利用问题探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)08-0009-05
- 中图分类号:TU98 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家留学基金委项目“健康城镇化”(录取文号:留金欧[2013]6004号)。
- 作者简介:贾琦(1985-),男,河南驻马店人,天津大学建筑学院城市规划专业博士生,研究方向为城镇化与城市规划;
- 城市群土地利用效益与城镇化水平的时空耦合分析——我国三大城市群的实证分析
- Spatial and Temporal Coupling Analysis of Land Use Efficiency and Urbanization Level of City-Regions - An Empirical Study of Three Big City-Regions in China
- 浏览量:
- 贾琦 运迎霞 尹泽凯
- JIA Qi YUN Yingxia YIN Zekai
- 摘要:
随着《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020)》的颁布并已进入实施阶段,作为新型城镇化建设中的重点,城市群的城镇化质量与发展水平显得尤为重要。本研究以我国三大城市群为例,分别建立土地利用效益与城镇化水平的评价指标体系,并据此构建了两者的耦合协调发展度模型,对其协调发展关系进行了时空耦合分析。结果表明:三大城市群中超过九成的城市处于中低度协调阶段,且于2005 年后呈现不断优化的态势,就城市群内部而言,其表现为相异属性集聚的状态,其协调集聚的程度与自身经济发展呈现明显的正相关,总体集聚的空间格局自2000年以来一直处于较稳定的状态。 - 关键词:
土地利用效益;城镇化水平;耦合协调;城市群; - Abstract: With the "National Model Town Planning (2014-2020)" promulgated and entering the implementation phase, the quality and development of city group, as the main point of new towns in the urbanization level, is particularly important. The paper established the evaluation index system of land use efficiency and urbanization level of China’s three city-regions respectively, and built the coupling coordination degree model of above, and analyzed the spatiotemporal coupling relationship between them. The result shows that more than 90% of the cities are in the period of low-moderate coordination stage but changed to an optimization situation after 2005. As to the internal city-regions, it shows that there is a situation of different attribute clustering, the coordination degree that has an obvious positive correlation with the economic development, and the spatial pattern of the general clustering that has stayed stable since 2000.
- Key words: land use efficiency; urbanization level; coupling coordination; city-regions
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