- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)08-0079-07
- 中图分类号:X24 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:许文婷(1987-),女,东北农业大学园艺学院硕士研究生;
- 哈尔滨城市雪资源利用与收集
- The Study on Resource Collection and Utilization of Urban Snow in Harbin
- 浏览量:
- 许文婷 胡海辉 李爽 石茂林 万亿
- XU Wenting HU Haihui LI Shuang SHI Maolin WAN Yi
- 摘要:
车流量的迅速膨胀以及市民对快捷交通的迫切需求导致融雪剂的不当使用与人力物力的盲目投入,这些不科学的除雪方针给城市带来巨大的经济损失和沉重的环境污染负担。可雪也是一种降水来源,若利用得当将是一笔可观的水资源财富。文章介绍了国外雪资源收集与利用系统的相关理论和实践技术,并针对哈尔滨雪资源利用所存在的资源利用收集率低下、文化融合缺失、消纳设施缺乏、植物配置不合理等问题,从宏观调控层面、中观设计层面、微观技术层面提出了高效利用景观场所来利用与收集雪资源的建议。 - 关键词:
寒地城市;雪资源;收集利用;哈尔滨;消纳; - Abstract: The rapid expansion of traffic and the urgent need for fast traffic environment leads to the improper use of snow melting agent and manpower investment which have brought huge economic losses and heavy environmental pollution burden. But the snow , as a source of precipitation, will be a considerable wealth of water resources if used properly. Collection and utilization system of related theories and practice techniques are introduced in foreign snow resources, and the proposition that is to use and collect snow resources by the landscape places is suggested from macro guidance and regulation, medium design level, micro technology aspects ,which directs at the low utilization and collection rate of resources , the lack of the cultural integration and the irrational disposition of plants.
- Key words: winter city;snow resources; proeessing methods and utilization way; Harbin; absorptive
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