- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)09-0077-07
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:占思思(1986-),女,深圳市城市规划设计研究院规划师,国家注册规划师;
- 双转型背景下东莞二次城市化发展的规划应对——以常平镇为例
- Against the Background of Dual-Transformations Dongguan Secondary Urbanization Planning Tactics: A Case Study of Changping Town
- 浏览量:
- 占思思 盛鸣
- ZHAN Sisi SHENG Ming
- 摘要:
中国未来城市化进程为城市第二次转型。常平作为在珠三角大背景下把握住先发优势发展起来的强镇,城市化率高,但其城市化质量较低,突出表现在产业结构和就业构成的非农化水平已相当高,但产业、人口在空间上的集聚程度仍比较低,呈现“半城市化”特征。随着东莞“双优势效应”的明显减弱,及“双边缘化困境”逐渐来临,在经济社会双转型背景下,面对资源紧约束、土地效能低等问题,常平急需提升二次城市化质量。本文结合常平镇情况,从产业、人口、土地利用三方面,探讨半城市化特征、问题所在,以及出现的原因,以空间重构、提升为切入点探索二次城市化的规划路径引导。 - 关键词:
双转型;半城市化;二次城市化;重构提升;东莞常平镇; - Abstract: China's future urbanization process is the secondary transformation of city. Changping as the strong town seized the first-mover advantage against the background of pearl river delta development, its urbanization rate is high, but the quality of urbanization is poor. It is outstanding that the non-farm level composited by industrial and employment structure is very high. But the agglomeration of industry and population in space is still relatively low. The boundaries between rural and town areas are blurred. Against the background of dual-transformations of economy and society, confronting the resource constraints and low efficiency of land, it is urgent for Changping to promote the quality of secondary urbanization. This paper combinates the condition of Changping, exploring the emergence of semi-urbanization and the problems. The author takes space reconstruction promotion as breakthrough point to explore the path of planning guidance.
- Key words: dual-transformations; efficiency of land; the secondary urbanization; reconstruction promotion; Changping town, Dongguan city
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