- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)09-0060-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:刘新华(1966-),男,淮安市规划局,总规划师,高级规划师;
- 以支线机场为依托的空港产业园规划引导研究——以淮安空港产业园为例
- Planning and Guide Research of Industrial Park based on Branch Line Airport—A Case Study of Airport Industrial Park in Huaian
- 浏览量:
- 刘新华 宋伟 王松杰
- LIU Xinhua SONG Wei WANG Songjie
- 摘要:
文章以国内兴起的支线机场空港产业园为研究对象,选取淮安空港产业园为典型案例,在借鉴国内外知名空港地区发展经验的基础上,分析比较航空港及周边地区在城市化进程中呈现出的空间特征与发展潜力。从功能定位、产业格局、空间引导和交通联运等视角出发,初步探讨了以淮安空港产业园为代表的国内支线机场未来发展的模式与思路。 - 关键词:
空港产业园;产业布局;城乡统筹;交通联运;弹性控制; - Abstract: This paper takes branch line airport industrial parks which are booming in China as research object. It selects Huaian Airport Industrial Park as the typical case. Based upon the development experience of the domestic and foreign well-known airport area, the paper analyzes and compares the spatial characteristics and developing potential of the airport and surrounding area during urbanization process. From the perspective of the functional orientation, industrial structure, space guide and transportation, the paper explores the vision and ideas of branch line airport on behalf of Huaian Airport Industrial Park.
- Key words: airpor t industrial park; industr y layout; urban and rural overall planning; traffic transportation; flexible control
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