- 老龄化社会应对及措施探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)09-0002-06
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重点项目“大规模保障房住区社区居家养老体系构建与实施路径研究”(14AJY013);江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目“江苏社会组织参与居家养老服务的模式和机制研究”(2014ZDIXM008);江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)“保障房居住区养老设施配置优化研究”。
- 作者简介:李灵芝(1987-),女,东南大学建设与房地产系博士生;
- 社会组织参与社区居家养老服务的模式构建研究
- Research on the Model Construction of Social Organizations Offering Community-based Home Care for Senior Citizens
- 浏览量:
- 李灵芝 张建坤 石德华 王效容
- LI Lingzhi ZHANG Jiankun SHI Dehua WANG Xiaorong
- 摘要:
社会组织参与社区居家养老服务是政府主导下解决养老问题的助推器。本文从社会组织的参与角色为出发点,基于可持续理念,构建社会组织“双向参与”社区居家养老服务模式,且对该模式运行的关键环节进行了初步探讨,包括养老服务内容制定、运营模式选择、人力资源配置、资金运作方式等。文章以南京市丁家庄社区为例,结合问卷调研与深度访谈,模拟了社会组织参与社区居家养老服务模式,在分析关键环节的同时,为实施路径的进一步研究提出了思路。 - 关键词:
社会组织;社区居家养老;运作模式; - Abstract: Social organizations offering pension services is a booster to solve care problems for the elderly. Based on the role of social organizations and the concept of sustainable development, this paper builds a "two-way participation" model for social organizations to offer the community-based home care for elderly. And then the key operation links are also discussed, which include the concepts of pension services, selection of operating model, human resources, and financial problems. Finally, with the methods of questionnaire and deep interview, this paper takes Dingjiazhuang community as an example to simulate the model proposed above. Meanwhile, during the analysis of the key links, this paper also provides some ways for future research.
- Key words: social organization; community-based home care for the elderly; operation model
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