- 智慧城市建设实证研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)01-0031-06
- 中图分类号:G307 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.01.006
- 作者简介:刘维跃,男,天津城建大学经济与管理学院教授;
- 运用熵权/TOPSIS组合模型构建智慧城市的评价体系——以京津沪为实例探究
- Construction of Evaluation System for Smart City Based on the Combination Model of Entropy-Weighting and TOPSIS Methods: By Taking Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 刘维跃 王海龙 刘凯歌 周秀秀
- LIU Weiyue WANG Hailong LIU Kaige ZHOU Xiuxiu
- 摘要:
智慧城市,或城市智慧化是城市发展的新目标。针对如何更好地发展智慧城市,本文分析了当前我国智慧城市发展现状,参考现有的智慧城市评价方案,运用熵权T O P S I S 法构建了一个新的智慧城市评价体系。根据年鉴报道的北京、天津、上海的有关数据,本文对评价体系进行了验证,并根据数学模型的计算结果分析比较了天津和上海、北京之间存在的差距,对天津智慧城市的建设和发展提出了思路和建议。 - 关键词:
智慧城市;熵权TOPSIS法;评价体系;思路和建议; - Abstract: Smart city, or city of wisdom, is a new target of city development. In this paper, a new evaluation system for the smart city based on the entropy-weighting and TOPSIS methods was constructed by analyzing the current development status of the smart city and referencing the existing evaluation scheme and aiming at how to make a better development of the smart city. The paper used the actual data of Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai for verifying the system, and according to the calculation results, the authors analyzed and compared the gap among Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai in building the smart city, so as to explore the ideas and solutions of the smart city construction for Tianjin.
- Key words: smart city; TOPSIS; evaluation system; ideas and solutions
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