- 城市安全规划方法研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)10-0007-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.10.002
- 项目基金:全国社会科学重点项目“应对极端气候变化的滨海大城市安全战略选择与智慧型防灾策略研究”(项目号:12AZD101);全国社会科学重大项目“基于智慧技术的滨海大城市安全策略与综合防灾措施研究”(项目号:13&ZD162)。
- 作者简介:王婷(1985-),女,天津大学建筑学院博士生;
- 法团主义视域下城镇群综合防灾协同规划构想
- Planning Proposition of Urban Conglomeration’s Disaster Prevention and Reduction Based on the Perspective of Corporatism
- 浏览量:
- 王婷 曾坚 蒋明卓
- WANG Ting ZENG Jian JIANG Mingzhuo
- 摘要:
基于法团主义视域,关注不同层面法团主义的城镇群防灾减灾策略路径,为中国城镇群联动防灾减灾提供一条新的规划构想:基于法团主义构筑“中央—地方—市民团体”的纵向管理体系,以及由各部门、各专业领域和各层次力量组成的多角度、多领域横向协作系统,有效提高社会动员能力和社会资源整合能力,多元联动防灾、减灾、救灾。 - 关键词:
法团主义;城镇群;综合防灾;协同规划;联动救援; - Abstract: Based on the view of the corporatism, this article aimed to pay close attention from various aspects to the strategies of disaster prevention and mitigation of urban agglomeration, which is under adjustment and control of the corporatism system. A brand new planning concept has been provided for the linkage of Chinese urban agglomeration on the side of disaster prevention and mitigation in this article. Based on corporatism, two system will also be constructed, which are vertical management system as “central to local to public” and horizontal cooperation system from multi-angle and-field, which is composed of various departments, professional fields and all levels of power.
- Key words: corporatism; urban agglomeration; disaster prevention; cooperative planning; common rescue
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