- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)11-0069-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.11.011
- 作者简介:薛海燕,硕士,中国城市科学研究会,主要研究方向:区域规划,生态智慧城市研究;
- 新旧《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》对比分析研究
- Comparative Analysis of New and Old "Code for Classification of Urban Land Use and Planning Standards of Development Land"
- 浏览量:
- 薛海燕 张旺锋 陈怀录 迟守乾
- XUE Haiyan ZHANG Wangfeng CHEN Huailu CHI Shouqian
- 摘要:
“90国标”在长期的城市发展过程中不断呈现其不适应性,“新国标”在城乡统筹规划、区域协调发展的时代背景和规划工作需求转变的影响下应运而生。文章详细分析了国标更新的成因机制,接着从出台背景、适用范围、用地分类体系和规划建设用地标准四个方面对新旧国标进行了详细的对比分析,指出“新国标”与“90国标”在规范和指导城乡用地分类方面的统一性和差异性,并对“新国标”的继承性和现实意义进行了深入思考,阐明“新国标”仍存在对混合用地控制不足、对土地的过程性控制不足、分类深度不足及绿地分类与绿地标准衔接不足等问题,最后提出增加混合用地类型、深化分类层级性、建立地方标准等建议,旨在使我国的用地标准更加合理化和科学化,以满足城市发展和建设的需要。 - 关键词:
城乡用地分类;城乡统筹;市场经济;区域协调; - Abstract: The paper states the reasons for the formation of new "Code for classification of urban land use and planning standards of development land", and then makes detailed comparative analysis of new and old "Code for classification of urban land use and planning standards of development land" from the following four aspects-the background, scope, urban land use classification system and planning standards of development land. It points out the similarities and differences of "new national standard" and "national standard in 1990". Then the author dedicates the advantages and significance of "new national standard". What’s more, the paper also points out that "new national standard" still has some defects, like the lack of control on land process and insufficient classification hierarchy. In the end, the author gives many advices such as increasing mixed land type, deepening the land classification system, establishing local standards and so on, to make our "Code for classification of urban land use and planning standards of development land" more reasonable and scientific, and meet the needs of urban development and construction.
- Key words: classification of urban and rural land use; urban rural integration; market economy; regional coordination
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