- 城市公共空间的规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)11-0007-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.11.002
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金,主任基金研究项目,新城镇化进程中城市生长点形态与模式研究(项目批准号:51348006);省高校自然科学研究面上项目(指令性)江苏地区新城镇化进程中城市生长点形式与模式研究(项目批准号:13KJB560013)。
- 作者简介:张芳,苏州科技学院讲师,博士;
- 以“负”为“正”的开放空间整合城市策略——以巴黎贝尔西公园启动的巴黎左岸城市生长为例
- Urban Consolidation Strategy with Urban Open Space,from Negative to Positive : A Case Study of Urban Growth of Left-bank Starting with Bercy Park of Paris
- 浏览量:
- 张芳 周曦
- 摘要:
城市建筑与城市开放空间之间,自古以来存在正负共构、互相促进的现象,共同促进城市有机发展。然而城市的发展往往由“正形”的城市建筑为主导,“负形”处于辅助地位,现代城市体现为实体的城市,而引发各种问题。本文从图底关系中正负共构、反转相生的关系出发,指出在城市建设中,可以通过城市开放空间的置入,以“负”为“正”,充分利用其跨界耦合能力,平衡城市不同片段的异质关系、新旧关系,实现城市的平衡有序生长。 - 关键词:
正形空间;负形空间;共构;城市开放空间;整合; - Abstract: The city always has the solid part-urban construction and vacant part-urban open space as positive and negative. The two parts are highly interrelated and mutually reinforcing, actually forming the organic development of cities. Nevertheless,in our modern society, the urban growth is usually led by the ‘positive ’or the solid part, urban architecture; while the negative’or vacant part is usually in dominated role. It is obvious to find the modern cities as cities of solid,and that leads to some urban problems. The research begins with the figure-ground relation between the architecture and open space, talks over their co-construction and assimilating relation, points out that urban construction can start with the vacant part, urban open space, making concessions in order to gain advantages. In this process, the coupling effect can balance the heterogeneity, the old and the new of the city, leading to an organic growth of urban space in an order of time and space.
- Key words: positive space;negative space; assimilate; urban open space; consolidation
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