- 城市公共空间的规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)11-0034-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.11.006
- 作者简介:李欣珏,女,天府新区成都管委会规划建设和城市管理局,硕士研究生;
- 与城市互动的运动休闲型绿道建设实践探索——以环台北河滨自行车道为例
- Research on Interaction between Sport and Leisure Oriented Greenway Constructions and City: A Case Study of Taipei Riverside Bike Trails
- 浏览量:
- 李欣珏 陈楠 陈可石
- LI Xinjue CHEN Nan CHEN Keshi
- 摘要:
环台北河滨自行车道为运动休闲型绿道,是台北市建设生态城市、改善城市生活环境的重要举措。其规划充分利用河滨高滩地兴建自行车道、设置运动休闲设施并串联河滨公园,达成改良城市绿色基础设施构成、构建带状城市综合游憩区域、促进城市单元紧密联系三个方面的城市互动作用。通过公私协力合作、规范技术标准及多元推广手段的策略来保障实施管理与宣传推广。这些经验可为大陆地区的城市绿道建设提供相关借鉴。 - 关键词:
城市;河滨自行车道;绿道;互动; - Abstract: Taipei riverside bike trails are sport and leisure oriented greenway. It contributes as a significant measure in building eco-friendly city and improving urban living environment. Getting the utmost out of river highland beach, it initiates bike trails, sport and leisure facilities and connect riverside parks. Consequently, Taipei riverside bike trails establish the interaction among improvement on composition of urban green infrastructure, establishment of comprehensive belt-shape esplanade and strengthening on connection among different urban units. Through cooperation among government and private parties, normalization of technique standards and multiple methods promotion strategy, the implementation and promotion have been guaranteed. The mainland is able to take experienced practice as reference.
- Key words: city; riverside bike trails; greenway; interaction
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