- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)12-0094-08
- 中图分类号:TU984.1 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.12.015
- 作者简介:余定(1978-),澳大利亚IAPA设计顾问有限公司,景观规划总监。
- 城市核心区遗址公园规划创新研究——以隋唐洛阳城为例
- Research on the Innovation Planning & Design of Heritage Parks in the Urban Core Area: Practice of the Luoyang Suitang Ancient City National Archaeological Park
- 浏览量:
- 余定
- YU Ding
- 摘要:
位于城市核心区的遗址往往面临更大的保护压力。以隋唐洛阳城的规划为例,在“新旧共生、混合多元、公众参与、生态永续”的理念下,提出重塑隋唐洛阳城帝都风貌的三个策略,试图找到城市核心区遗址公园规划设计的新方法:(1)打造一条凸显皇城气象的中轴线;(2)打造一圈凸显皇城格局、宫门宫墙的皇城体系;(3)打造一座融合传统与现代的立体城市。最后,对该遗址公园的总体规划以及重要节点进行了介绍。 - 关键词:
隋唐洛阳城;考古遗址公园;城市核心区遗址公园;遗址公园规划; - Abstract: Ruins in the urban core area always face greater protection pressure. This study takes Luobei district of ‘One District and One Axis’ national archaeological park which is a part of Luoyang Suitang ancient city as an example, based on the theories of ‘Coexistence of new and old; Diversification; Public participation and Ecological sustainability’, in order to find new ways to plan and design a heritage park in the urban core area. The study comes up with three strategies to remodeling the Suitang Luoyang imperial city’s appearance: (1) Create an axis to highlight imperial scenario; (2) Create an imperial city system with palace gates and walls to show the true layout of the palace; (3) Create a vertical city which is merged with both the tradition and the contemporary. In the end the paper concentrates on explaining the master plan and the key nodes’ design in this archaeological park.
- Key words: Luoyang Suitang ancient city; archaeological park; heritage park in the urban core area; heritage park planning
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