- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)12-0127-06
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.12.020
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目(41271135);江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金(2013SJB790007)。
- 作者简介:毛广雄,男,博士,淮阴师范学院城市与环境学院,江苏省区域现代农业与环境保护协同创新中心,副教授,主要从事区域经济与城市发展研究;
- 高速铁路建设对淮安可达性及承接产业集群化转移的影响
- The Impact of High-speed Railway Construction on Traffic Accessibility and Industrial Cluster Transfer of Huai’an City
- 浏览量:
- 毛广雄 蒋武 曹蕾
- MAO Guangxiong JIANG Wu CAO Lei
- 摘要:
高速铁路能够缩短区域旅行时间,提升区域交通可达性,加强区域经济联系,促进要素集聚、产业结构升级和空间布局优化。从加权平均旅行时间、日常可达性和经济潜能三个方面了分析连淮扬镇、徐宿淮盐高铁建成后将对淮安可达性和产业集群化转移的可能影响。结果显示:淮安加权平均旅行时间由通车前的221.89min降低为通车后的79.23min;日常可达性范围的扩大,将形成以淮安为中心的苏北“0.5h都市圈”,淮安也将纳入南京的“1h都市圈”和上海的“2h都市圈”内;淮安经济潜能指标由通车前的79.23上升为324.03。受新建高铁可达性改善的影响,淮安承接产业集群化转移将在要素集聚、产业结构升级与空间布局等方面将发生深层次变化。新建高铁的可达性分析为欠发达地区承接产业集群化转移提供了理论支撑。 - 关键词:
高速铁路;可达性;产业集群化转移;淮安; - Abstract: High speed railway can shorten travel time, improve traffic accessibility, strengthen regional economic connection, and promote the upgrading of industrial structure. This paper selects three types of indexes : the weighted average travel time, everyday accessibility and economic potential, using the method of traffic accessibility to analyze the impact of Lian-Huai-Yang-Zhen and Xu-Su-Huai-Yan railways’ construction. The results show that the weighted average travel time is reduced from 221. 89min to 79.23min and the scope of daily accessibility will be formed to Huaian 0.5h metropolitan area. Huaian will also be incorporated into the Nanjing 1h metropolitan area and Shanghai 2h metropolitan area. The index of Huaian economic potential rose from 79.23 to 324.03.The impact of industrial cluster transfer, structural upgrading and spatial layout will deeply change in Huaian by the impact of new high-speed rail. The reachability analysis of new high speed railway provides a theoretical support for the development of industrial clusters transfer in less developed regions.
- Key words: high speed railway; traffic accessibility; industrial cluster transfer; Huai'an
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