- 新型城镇化背景下的人口要素探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)12-0024-06
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.12.004
- 项目基金:国家社科基金课题“西部人口城镇化质量现状及问题研究”,编号:12BJY051。
- 作者简介:孙丽萍,云南省曲靖师范学院数学与信息科学学院副教授;
- 基于城镇体系视角的西部人口城镇化和土地城镇化协调性的实证分析
- Empirical Analysis of the Coordination between Population Urbanization and Land Urbanization Based on Urban System Perspective in West China
- 浏览量:
- 孙丽萍 杨筠
- SUN Liping YANG Jun
- 摘要:
通过对西部不同规模等级城镇进程分析,指出西部规模等级城镇的内部结构失衡现状,从人口城镇化和土地城镇化两方面分析失衡的原因,并通过建立面板数据模型,对不同规模城市人口城镇化和土地城镇化的协调性进行实证分析,结果表明:西部不同规模城市土地城镇化与人口城镇化的协调性较弱,特大城市、大城市、中等城市用地规模弹性系数较高,远远超过合理范围,应重视集约用地,改变目前“摊大饼”的城镇化发展模式,逐步实现产城互动、人口城镇化和土地城镇化的协调发展。 - 关键词:
人口城镇化;土地城镇化;协调;西部地区; - Abstract: Through the analysis of the process of cities of different scales, the paper pointed out that the internal structure of the western cities is imbalance and provided the reasons, establishing the panel data model, analyzing the coordination between population urbanization and land urbanization of different scale. The results show that: the coordination between land urbanization and population urbanization of different sizes is weak, land size elasticity coefficient of large cities, medium-sized cities is high. we should pay attention to intensive land use, change the urbanization development model, realize the interactive development of industrialization between urbanization and coordination of population urbanization and land urbanization.
- Key words: population urbanization; land urbanization; coordination; Western Region
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