- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)12-0119-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.12.019
- 作者简介:段莹(1982-),女,工学硕士,郑州华都建筑规划设计有限公司,副总规划师,工程师;
- 基于“航空大都市”理论的郑州航空港实验区空间发展实证研究
- Empirical Study of Spatial Evolution of Zhengzhou Aerotropolis Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone Based on the Theory of ‘Aerotropolis’
- 浏览量:
- 段莹 马祎静
- DUAN Ying MA Yijing
- 摘要:
全球化浪潮背景下,机场成为物联网的路由器,带动空港与城市关系变化。国务院批准郑州航空港经济综合实验区建设,使地处内陆的河南打通了通向世界的经济发展新途径。本文依据“航空大都市”理论及空间模型假设,对实验区发展过程进行审视。对这一演变过程和特征进行梳理和总结,有助于归纳航空城市的发展规律,预测实验区发展方向,并为我国航空新区建设提供一定的研究素材。 - 关键词:
航空大都市;郑州航空港实验区;空间发展演变; - Abstract: Against the background of globalization, airports have become the routers of the Physical Internet, leading the changes between airport and city. The Approval of the State Council on Zhengzhou Aerotropolis Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone, completely changed the Henan landlocked geographic conditions and opened up new avenues about the economic development from Henan to the world. On the basis of ‘Aerotropolis’ theory and space model assumptions, this paper examined the development process of ZAEC. To study and summarize the evolution and characteristics of this sort, it studied the development of the law of aviation city, and predicted the direction of development experimental zone. Also this process will provide some research material for the new construction of aviation.
- Key words: aerotropolis; Zhengzhou Aerotropolis Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone; space evolution
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