- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)02-0094-05
- 中图分类号:F590 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.02.016
- 项目基金:内蒙古高等学校人文社科研究项目(NJSY12036);内蒙古哲学与社会科学规划项目(2013B037)。
- 作者简介:宋河有(1979-),男,内蒙古师范大学旅游学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:区域旅游开发与管理;
- 城市旅游主题化发展的动态变化分析
- Analysis on the Dynamic Change of Themed Development of Urban Tourism
- 浏览量:
- 宋河有 长安 吴艳茹
- SONG Heyou CHANG An WU Yanru
- 摘要:
主题化发展已成为城市旅游实践中的常见现象。旅游城市间的竞争、旅游消费者的个性化需求和树立独特旅游形象是城市旅游主题化发展的基本动因。在对众多城市实践调研基础上,根据主题化旅游产品的数量规模、分布、形态、参与主体等方面的差异,将城市旅游主题化发展归纳为四个阶段和层次:即发育期、雏形期、成长期和成熟期。每个旅游城市都有主题化发展并逐步升级的趋势,但处于不同阶段的时间长短各有差异,而且并非所有城市都能达到主题化发展的最高级阶段。在主题化发展进程中应避免模仿和复制,应树立与众不同的个性主题并保持主题稳定,同时吸引全民参与优化城市旅游主题形象。 - 关键词:
城市旅游;主题化;主题旅游产品;旅游城市; - Abstract: Themed development has been typical phenomena in the practice of urban tourism. External competition, demand of market and building unique tourism image are the motivating factors of themed development. In the process of themed developing, it always goes through incubation stage, embryonic form stage, agglomeration stage and maturation stage. The number, location, display form and participator of the themed tourism product always change according the different stage. Every tourist city follows the tendency of themed developing and upgrading. But the duration time in different stage is different from each other. Not all cities can reach the top stage of themed development. In the process of themed development, they should avoid coping from other cities. It’d better establish individual theme and keep a long time. It should also attract all the people to optimize the image of urban tourism.
- Key words: urban tourism; theme; themed tourism product; tourist city
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