- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)02-0079-08
- 中图分类号:D035.5 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.02.014
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(41171134);江苏省“青蓝工程”资助成果。
- 作者简介:胡舒扬,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 省域城镇化加速期行政区划调整的机制、特征与影响研究——以江苏省为例
- Analysis on Mechanism, Characteristics and Influence of Administrative Division Adjustment in the Acceleration Period of Provincial Urbanization: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province
- 浏览量:
- 胡舒扬 罗震东
- HU Shuyang LUO Zhendong
- 摘要:
试图通过长时段、演化的视角,系统考察江苏省域城镇化加速期行政区划调整的发生机制、阶段特征及其对城镇化进程、模式的影响。江苏省在城镇化加速期的行政区划调整是中国从高速增长走向科学发展的政治经济背景下政府主导的城镇化的产物。其中,撤县(市)设区和撤乡并镇是这一时期最主要的区划调整类型,它们的推进过程存在清晰的时空阶段特征,符合江苏省域的经济梯度和城镇化阶段。行政区划调整通过土地扩容、城镇空间整合、资源集聚等手段加速了江苏大城市引领的省域城镇化进程,对于陆续进入城镇化加速期的省份具有借鉴价值;当然,这一公共行为存在诸多问题,行政区划调整在未来的生命力、推行形式以及区划调整背后的制度创新等等问题值得进一步探讨。 - 关键词:
行政区划调整;城镇化加速期;撤县;市;设区;撤乡并镇;江苏省; - Abstract: This paper tries to systematically analyze the mechanism, categories, characteristics and urbanization inf luence of Jiangsu’s administrative division adjustment in the acceleration period of urbanization with the evolutionary perspective. Jiangsu’s administrative division adjustment in the acceleration period of urbanization is the product of the government-led urbanization under China’s political and economic system. There are two main types of administrative division adjustment, including turning county into district and township merging, both of which display periodical features in time and space, and conform to Jiangsu’s economic gradient and urbanization stage. The administrative division adjustment has effectively accelerated metropolis-led urbanization in Jiangsu province by land expansion, spatial integration, and resource agglomeration. Hence there is adequate reference value of Jiangsu for other provinces which has gradually entered the acceleration period of urbanization. However, this public policy has also shown problems. Further research should be carried out on the future vitality and implementation of administrative division adjustment, as well as system innovation behind it.
- Key words: administrative division adjustment; acceleration period of urbanization; turning county into district; township merging; Jiangsu province
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