- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)03-0104-06
- 中图分类号:F222 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.03.017
- 作者简介:张剑(1991-),男,西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院硕士研究生,主要从事城市发展与城市规划设计等方面的研究;
- 兰白西城市群空间集聚与扩散分析
- The Spatial Urban Agglomeration and Dispersion Analysis in Lan-Bai-Xi Urban Agglomeration
- 浏览量:
- 张剑 雒占福
- ZHANG Jian LUO Zhanfu
- 摘要:
城市群是其所在区域的增长中心,研究城市群空间集聚与扩散有助于对其所在区域的发展提供决策。以兰白西城市群为例,利用“五普”、“六普”分县人口数据以及各县市G D P 数据,使用ArcGIS9.3 空间分析功能以及空间自相关等方法,研究兰白西城市群空间要素的集聚与扩散。研究发现:人口持续向中心城市集聚,兰白西城市群中人口要素集聚明显;城市群中经济增长空间集聚,但是在中心城市西宁城区周边县经济增长明显,表现出一定的扩散效应。 - 关键词:
兰白西城市群;集聚与扩散;空间自相关; - Abstract: Urban agglomerations are growth center of its region, and research on the spatial urban agglomeration and dispersion will contribute to the decision on the development of the region. Based on the census and statistics data, this paper used the spatial analysis function of Arcgis9.3 and the method of spatial autocorrelation to analyze the spatial urban agglomeration and dispersion of Lan-Bai-Xi urban agglomeration. The study indicates that population continues to increase in the central cities in Lan-Bai-Xi urban agglomeration, economic growth shows spatial agglomeration. Yet the economy of Xining’s county towns grow obviously, and Lan-Bai-Xi urban agglomeration shows the certain diffusion effect.
- Key words: Lan-Bai-Xi urban agglomeration; agglomeration and dispersion; spatial autocorrelation
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