- 城市交通拥堵治理措施探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)03-0016-07
- 中图分类号:U491 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.03.003
- 作者简介:苏跃江,广州市交通运输研究所公共交通部,中级工程师;
- 国内外机动车增量控制方法的经验与启示
- The Motor Vehicle Incremental Policy Experience at Home and Abroad
- 浏览量:
- 苏跃江 周芦芦 孟娟
- SU Yuejiang ZHOU Lulu MENG Juan
- 摘要:
机动车增量控制作为交通需求管理的一种手段。近年来,新加坡、东京、香港、上海、北京、贵阳、广州等城市相继从不同角度对机动车总量进行控制,一定程度上抑制了机动车快速增长的态势,但由于使用控制方法不同取得效果差异较大。本文在回顾国内外城市实施机动车增量控制方法的基础上,从控制方法、控制车型、竞拍价格等方面进行对比分析,最后提出控制增量必须同步外市籍车辆管理措施防止“异地上牌、本地使用”,增量和存量使用手段需并重从而合理引导车辆拥有和使用,“推拉”政策相结合促进城市交通结构优化,从源头上实现城市规划与交通系统协调才能从根本上缓解交通拥堵。 - 关键词:
城市交通;交通需求管理;增量控制;对比分析; - Abstract: Incremental policy of motor vehicle is a means of traffic demand management (TDM). In recent years, incremental policy of motor vehicle was launched successively from different angles in some cities, such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou .The rapid growth of motor vehicles was restrained to some extent. However, there were different effects to different approaches. First, Incremental policy of motor vehicle at domestic and foreign were understood by consulting relative data. Secondly, the policy was studied . Finally, it put forward suggestions to ease traffic congestion (e.g. increment and stock of motor vehicle must be used synchronously to guide reasonable vehicle ownership and use).
- Key words: urban traffic; TDM; incremental policy of motor vehicle; contrast analysis
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