- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)03-0093-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.03.015
- 作者简介:李巍(1978-),男,西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院副教授;
- 基于宗教色系保护的藏区城镇建筑色彩生成及组合——以甘肃夏河老城区为例
- The Color System Generation of Urban Buildings in the Tibetan-Inhabited Area Based on the Protection of Color System Concerning Religion: A Case Study of the Old Urban Area in Xiahe County, Gansu Province
- 浏览量:
- 李巍 冯斌
- LI Wei FENG Bin
- 摘要:
着眼于藏民族集聚区中小城镇色彩体系建构的研究,以尊重藏传佛教文化和融合外来民族文化为出发点,以孟塞尔色系推演、色彩地理学等为主要方法,寻找来自于宗教色彩而有别于宗教色彩的城镇色彩体系。通过这一研究,旨在探索藏区城镇色彩控制规划的思路,建立完整的三层次色彩体系研究框架,全面地保护拉卜楞寺院色彩构成,有效地引导夏河老城区城镇建筑色彩选择与组织。 - 关键词:
夏河;老城区;拉卜楞寺院;城市色彩; - Abstract: This paper focuses on the study of the color system composition in small and mid-sized towns in the Tibetan-inhabited area with the respect of the Tibetan Buddhism culture and the infusion of many other foreign cultures as a starting point. By means of the deduction related to Munsell Colour System and color geography, it intends to find a kind of urban color system which is from religion but not the same as the one concerning religion. It aims at exploring the thoughts about the controlling and planning of urban color in the Tibetan-inhabited area and establishing a complete three-level color system framework so as to protect the color composition of the Labrang Monastery comprehensively as well as effectively guide the choices and structures of colors related to urban buildings in the old urban area in Xiahe county, Gansu province.
- Key words: Xiahe county; old urban area; the Labrang Monastery; urban color
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