- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)03-0110-07
- 中图分类号:F299 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.03.018
- 项目基金:广东省科技厅项目“粤港澳城市群发展规划实施对策研究”(编号:2010B07030003);广州市建委课题“同德围模式推广研究”。
- 作者简介:杨津,女,暨南大学公共管理学院,硕士,研究方向为城市治理、公共政策;
- 广州城市治理改革的反思——以公众参与东濠涌治理为例
- Reflection of Urban Governance Reform in Guangzhou: A Case of Public Participation in East Hao River Governance
- 浏览量:
- 杨津 赵俊源 胡刚
- YANG Jin ZHAO Junyuan HU Gang
- 摘要:
随着公众参与城市治理的深入,公众参与的积极面不断放大。但与此同时,公众参与失效的案例依然存在。广州率先走上城市治理改革之路,但这种多元化、参与式的治理模式也遇到新的阻力。本文的重点是以广州市东濠涌的治理实践为例,找出这种公众参与在城市治理模式中发挥着何种积极作用,并从组织结构及其功能、多网络下的主导权问题、公众参与度以及精英人物和媒体介入的角度探讨了公众参与平台未能完全发挥作用的原因。其现实意义在于,探讨东濠涌公众咨询监督委员会失效的原因可以为广州市后期公众参与城市治理模式的改良提供支持。从理论层面上看,探讨公众参与失效的原因及影响公众参与积极性的因素,提出构建良好的公众参与平台的必要因素,对城市治理理论和公众参与理论的不足之处进行反思。 - 关键词:
公众参与;城市治理;公众咨询监督委员会; - Abstract: With the public participation in the urban governance, the positive aspect of public participation continued to enlarge. At the same time, the failure case of public participation still exists. This paper attempts to analyze East Hao River governance project in Guangzhou. To find out what kind of roles that public participation plays on urban governance mode, structure and function of organization, dominance issue under the multi-network, public participation degree, the elite power and the involvement of media are investigated. Its practical significance is to explore the reasons for East Hao River Public Advisory Committee and to give the support for improving urban governance model in Guangzhou later. From the theoretical point of view, through exploring the reasons of public participation failure and influencing factors of public participation enthusiasm, it can reflect the inadequacies of public participation and urban governance theory.
- Key words: public participation; urban governance; Public Advisory Committee
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