- 城市交通拥堵治理措施探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)03-0034-07
- 中图分类号:U125 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.03.006
- 作者简介:费跃,东南大学交通学院;
- 大都市区高快路一体化布局方法研究——以南京大都市区为例
- A Study on Locating Method of Integration of Freeway-Expressway in Metropolitan Area:A Case Study of Nanjing Metropolitan
- 浏览量:
- 费跃 过秀成 过利超 张宁
- FEI Yue GUO Xiucheng GUO Lichao ZHANG Ning
- 摘要:
由高速公路和快速路组成的高快路系统是满足大都市区范围内长距离快速机动化交通需求的主要载体,是支撑城市空间结构拓展和产业布局重构的重要因素。论文分析了大都市区化背景下高快路一体化的内涵和布局形态,采用供需平衡模型测算高快路发展规模,通过计算节点和线路重要度确定高快路主要控制节点和走向,结合理论分析和城市实践,估算高快路环线半径。最后以南京大都市区为例进行了应用研究。 - 关键词:
高快路一体化;布局形态;供需平衡;重要度; - Abstract: Freeway and expressway are the main supporter of the long-fast travel demand in metropolitan area, which are also the important factor of guiding the development of urban system, expansion of space structure, and the reconstruction of industrial distribution. This paper analyzed the connotation of freewayexpressway integration and its layout pattern, calculated the development scale of freeway-expressway based on equilibrium of supply and demand, determined the control node and line route of freewayexpressway by computing the important degrees of node and line, and estimated the radius of circle line in combination with theoretical analysis and urban practice. At last a case study of Nanjing metropolitan was provided.
- Key words: integration of freeway-expressway; layout pattern; equilibrium of supply and demand; important degree
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