- 乡村治理与乡村规划研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)04-0027-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.04.004
- 作者简介:边防,北京大学城市与环境学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向:城市与区域规划、社区发展与城市问题;
- 新时期我国乡村规划农民公众参与模式研究
- Research on Peasantry Participation Model in China’s Rural Planning in the New Era
- 浏览量:
- 边防 赵鹏军 张衔春 屠李
- BIAN Fang ZHAO Pengjun ZHANG Xianchun TU Li
- 摘要:
十八届三中全会和中央农村工作会议的召开使“三农”问题再次受到高度重视。针对目前我国乡村规划中公众参与不足所导致的农民主体利益诉求被忽视、切身利益遭到损害的情况,本研究对乡村规划中多元利益主体进行梳理,突出农民在乡村规划建设中利益主体地位的重要性。提出和构建适用于新时期适合中国本土乡村规划编制、审批和管理客观诉求的农民公众参与模式,强化乡村规划的科学性和可操作性。通过多途径的参与模式在决策、规划和实施三个层面来提高农民公众参与的强度和深度,确保农民成为乡村规划的主要受益者。 - 关键词:
乡村规划;农民;公众参与;多元利益主体; - Abstract: Following the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the Central Rural Working Conference, the issue of rural development was once again highly emphasized. In the current context, whereby the lack of rural participation in rural planning has caused the peasantry’s collective interests to have been overlooked and individual interests harmed, the paper argues for greater peasantry participation in rural planning. Based on an analysis of the multiple stakeholders’ interests, this paper proposes a practical and rational new model of public participation. This paper also argues that by increasing peasantry participation in decision-making, policy planning, and planning implementation, rural planning can ensure that the peasantry is the main beneficiary of rural planning.
- Key words: rural planning; peasantry; public participation; multiple stakeholders
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