- 多规融合的理论与实践探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)05-0015-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.05.003
- 作者简介:洪旗,正高职高级工程师,武汉市土地利用和城市空间规划研究中心土地利用研究部部长;
- 基于土地集约利用的空间发展规划探索与实践——“规土融合”思路下存量规划
- The Pathway and Practice of Spatial Development Planning Based on Intensive Use of Land: A Case Study on Stock Plan with the Idea of the “Fusion of Land Use and Urban Planning”
- 浏览量:
- 洪旗 郑金 陈华飞
- Hong Qi Zheng Jin Chen Huafei
- 摘要:
土地集约利用是国家重要的土地制度,同时也是规划革新的重要推手。基于土地集约利用的空间发展规划是武汉市在“规土融合”平台引领下的、针对快速城市化下土地资源稀缺地区的城市管理需求,提出的一种面向实施和策划的存量规划。本文系统介绍了武汉市开展基于土地集约利用的空间发展规划背景、特征、与法定规划的关系以及“评价—规划一体化”模式等,并以武汉市江岸区试点为例,探讨了“规土融合”评价下的核心技术体系。 - 关键词:
规土融合;土地集约利用;空间发展规划;武汉; - Abstract: Intensive use of land is an important land institution, as well as a major force of planning innovation. Spatial development planning based on intensive use of land under the guidance of the “fusion of land use and urban planning” platform in Wuhan which improves the management of scarcity land resources areas under the background of high-speed urbanized, is a comprehensive planning for the implementation and plot. This paper introduces the context and the feature of spatial development planning based on intensive use of land, the relationship with statutory planning and “integrating evaluation of land intensive utilization into spatial development planning” models of the planning. By citing the example of Jiang’an area in Wuhan, the paper elaborates the core technology system with the idea of the “fusion of land use and urban planning”.
- Key words: the “fusion of land use and urban planning”; land intensive utilization; spatial development planning; Wuhan
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