- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)05-0058-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.05.009
- 作者简介:孔俊婷,教授,河北工业大学建筑与艺术设计学院城市规划系主任、研究生导师;
- 理性·有机·生态——西方城市规划发展历程中的仿生思维研究
- Rational, Organic, Ecological: Research on the Thought of Bionic during the Western Urban Planning Development Process
- 浏览量:
- 孔俊婷 王浩然
- KONG Junting WANG Haoran
- 摘要:
仿生思维是以自然界中的有机体为基本对象,以其生长机理和功能构成为主体进行再创造的一种思维方式。本文通过对典型理念和案例的剖析比对,分析研究了仿生思维与西方城市规划之间的关系,揭示出在西方城市规划理念由理性主义为主导向有机主义和生态主义观念演变的过程中,仿生思维由最初的机械模仿逐渐上升为动态有机的城市观和生态可持续的发展观。这对我国当前城镇化发展进程中的城乡规划研究具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。 - 关键词:
仿生思维;理性主义;有机主义;生态主义; - Abstract: Taking the natural organism as basic object, bionic thought is a way to recreate with the growth mechanism and functional form of the organisms. Based on the contrast and analysis about typical theories and cases, the article analyzes the relationship between the bionic thought and western urban planning, then makes the conclusion that while western urban planning concept changes from rationalism oriented to organism and ecologism, the view of bionic thought also improves from mechanical imitation to integratedorganic view of cities and eco-friendly concept of development. It has important reference and guiding significance for the study on the urban and rural planning during the process of current urbanization development in our country.
- Key words: bionic thought; rationalism; organism; ecologism
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