- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)06-0045-07
- 中图分类号:F293.35 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.06.008
- 项目基金:银川能源学院科研基金项目(2013KYY19);银川能源学院建筑工程技术专业教学团队资助项目(宁教高[2012]348号)。
- 作者简介:鲍俊升,银川能源学院,助教
- 银川市住宅房地产市场非均衡问题研究
- The Research on Disequilibrium of Residential Real Estate Market in Yinchuan City
- 浏览量:
- 鲍俊升
- BAO Junsheng
- 摘要:
本文运用非均衡基本理论和市场聚合下的非均衡计量经济模型,构建了银川市住宅房地产市场的非均衡计量经济模型,从模型拟合的结果来看,居民收入水平和住宅销售价格是分别影响银川市住宅房地产市场需求数量和供给数量的最主要因素。根据银川市住宅房地产市场非均衡运行情况,将银川市住宅房地产市场分为两大发展阶段:2000-2006 年的严重非均衡发展阶段,2007-2013 年的基本均衡发展阶段。银川市住宅房地产市场近年来其非均衡程度有上升趋势,应密切关注市场非均衡变化趋势,适时做好对市场的宏观调控。 - 关键词:
银川市;住宅房地产市场;非均衡; - Abstract: In this paper, I constructed a disequilibrium econometric model of Yinchuan city residential real estate market by disequilibrium theory and market polymerization disequilibrium econometric model. The fitting results showed that: in the residential real estate market of Yinchuan city, the income level of residents was the main factor of affecting the number of demand and the housing sales price was the main factor of affecting the number of supply. According to the disequilibrium operation of Yinchuan City residential real estate market, the development of Yinchuan residential real estate market was divided into two stages: the serious disequilibrium development stage from 2000 to 2006 and the basic equilibrium development stage from 2007 to 2013. In recent years, there has been an upward trend of the disequilibrium degree of Yinchuan city residential real estate market. We should pay close attention to the changes of disequilibrium trend of the market and take macro-control measures to regulate the market timely.
- Key words: Yinchuan city; residential real estate market; disequilibrium
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