- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)06-0120-07
- 中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.06.019
- 项目基金:2013年教育部人文社科青年项目“城市融入多维度视域下城中村自组织人居环境研究”(13YJCZH265)资助。
- 作者简介:赵衡宇(1980-),男,湖北武汉人,江南大学设计学院博士研究生,中南民族大学副教授,研究方向为城市人居学;
- 移民非正规人居演进及其社会空间绩效的启示——基于系统自组织的视角
- The Social Space Achievements of Inhabited Environment Evolution in Urban-Village by Self-Organization Perspective
- 浏览量:
- 赵衡宇 过伟敏
- ZHAO Hengyu GUO Weimin
- 摘要:
规划管理的缺位与住房保障未覆盖等背景而提出讨论,其更多地是建立在正规化、他组织的制度框架之内。本文以人居“自组织”为视角,通过其适应性机制引导空间系统化演绎的过程,形成了独特的社会空间绩效。其对当下的启示是:注重人居主体性参与、人居空间的时序性建构、人居社会机理完整性,以及推动相关体制变革建构自组织与他组织的共生与协同等策略。 - 关键词:
自组织;非正规人居;演进;移民;城中村; - Abstract: During the urbanization process in China, a large number of migrants living in urban-villages leads to immigrant living space. This phenomenon is attributed to the formal living space shortage, lack of economic capacity, absence of management and social security. From "self-organization" perspective in this paper, systematic evolution of space forms a unique social-space performance and social integrity mechanism. Then coordination and coexistence should be observed.
- Key words: self-organization; informal settlements; evolution; immigrants; urban-village
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